Financial Reports

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Financial Calender

30 Apr 2024
Annual Report FY ‘23

May 31 May 2024
Interim report Q1 ’24

30 Aug 2024
Interim report Q2 ’24

30 Nov 2024
Interim report Q3 ’24

28 Feb 2025
Interim report Q4 ’24

Bond Issues

Notice of Written Procedure

Below is the Notice of Written Procedure for senior secured floating rate bonds issued by Go North Group AB

Notice of Written Procedure

Notice of Written Procedure

Below is the Annual Reports from Go North Group AB’s fully owned subsidiaries. Please note, not all subsidiaries requires external audit.

Jodgo AB 30 April 2024
Annual Report 2023

Go North Rocket 32 AB 30 April 2024
Annual Report 2023

Go North Rocket 29 AB 30 April 2024
Annual report 2023

Go North Rocket 28 AB 30 April 2024
Annual Report 2023

Financial Governance

Board of Directors

Johan Hallenby
Founder & Executive Chairman

Magnus Wiberg
Board member

Alexandra Severin
Board observer

Executive Leadership

Ryan Looysen
Chief Executive Officer

Sara Anthony
Chief Financial Officer

Accounting Standards

All consolidated financial statements for Go North are prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, the Swedish Financial Reporting Board’s recommendation RFR 1 Supplementary rules for groups, and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and interpretations from IFRS Interpretations Committee (IFRS IC), as endorsed by the EU.

IR Contact
Sara Anthony
Chief Financial Officer